Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Harrison Thames: 3 Years

My dearest Harrison,

I cannot believe I am writing to you that you are now THREE.

What an amazing little boy you are.

You are not only taller and stronger than last year but you have advanced in so many other ways.

You say the funniest things and have a HUGE vocabulary and a wealth of knowledge for your age.

You are loving, caring and light up every room.  You find ways to have fun in almost any situation.  

You have gotten better at expressing yourself over this past year and I love our conversations.

You enjoy playing with your animals, trucks, cars, and trains.  You love your doctor kit, kitchen, fishing poles, and all of your made up games you play.  And you still love to read.

You show signs of being a fabulous teacher.  You enjoy having the attention of myself, Dad, Atticus or Hannah and play show and tell with an animal or insect.

You enjoy being outside if it involves water – like our little pool, Grand’s pool, a splash pad, or fishing.  You will fish from land or a boat but will not get into murky water.

You have officially caught 3 fish on your fishing trips.  You are receiving a Lifetime Sportsman’s License for your birthday so you will be able to fish you entire life now if you so desire.

I want you to have almost everything you desire in life but my biggest wish is that you continue to be kind and find joy in life.    

I love you more than I could ever express.  I cannot wait to celebrate your birthday this weekend with all of our loved ones.  I hope you understand that you are so special and so very loved.

Happy 3 Years!


Monday, May 25, 2015

Atticus Knox: 1 Year

Dear Atticus,

Happy birthday little bird!!

I cannot believe you are ONE.  Look how much you changed in that amount of time.  Life is such a miracle.

You are so full of life and one amazing baby.  You do like to be held a bit more than we remember Harrison being held but you are most of the time scooped up so we can chase Harrison.  You protest if left alone but let's be honest.  We never left Harrison alone so I get why.

On the converse you have been the BEST sleeper.  You are not a baby that like rocking or bouncing or book reading.  You toss your bottle and up until a few weeks ago would about roll out of my arms and I took that to lay you down.   Now after bottle when I stand up you point into your crib.  Doesn't get much better than that baby.  You have woke up a few times and some times you are done crying before my feet can hit the floor.  When it lasts longer and I go into your room if is because you have lost your "ba"  You are a great napper too when at home or at Grand's.  You do not nap well when you do not have a good place to really sleep.  

You are attached to your "ba" and suck your thumb.  The thumb was immediate for you and the "ba" was pretty quick as well because your big brother has one and thinks you should always have yours.

You “talk” non-stop. You say momma, uh-oh, hi-de, bye-bye, daddy, bubbles and mimic so much more.  You also "roar" a lot.  It is the cutest!  

You have 6 teeth.  They make your smile even better and makes eating more fun.  You love to eat.  I mean LOVE to eat.  You like pretty much all food but we have found a few things you dislike.  You are not big on eggs cottage cheese, or fried okra.  Pretty sure you are eating in this picture below.  

You can stand up but prefer to crawl over trying to walk.  But just since last week you have taken to standing up without pulling up so you are getting there.  Soon our lives will be even more non-stop.  Thank goodness we are able parents my sweet boy.

You have a major temper.  Mostly around having things taken away from you by Harrison.  He is not the best sharer sometimes.  I feel sorry for you but just a few days ago while playing together he yelled at you "No Atticus" and you hit him with a car.  I told you not to do that and consoled Harrison but inside was relieved because I know you are going to stand up for yourself. But even when the two of you do not get along you also love each other so much.  

You love to get dirty.  You like to eat dirt.  You love playing in water.  You do not care about crawling on the deck, on concrete or even gravel.  You are one tough little boy.

You are also a sweet boy and love to give me kisses and hug me. I wish I could tell you all the ways you have made my life better but honestly you have just made me want to be better at this life.  I am so blessed I was picked to be yours.

Now let's go and celebrate you Atticus Knox.

I love you always,
Your Momma

Monday, April 27, 2015

Atticus Knox: 11 Months

Dear Atticus,

I am in denial that in one month you are turning one. Time has gone so much faster with you than it did with your brother. On one hand that makes me sad and on the other I am so ready for the next stage.

You are a handful but I mean that in the best way. You want to be carried around and never left behind. When you are being independent it is mostly because you are into something you shouldn't be. You understand more than anyone realizes. You are my observant child.

 Now we have a party to plan! There is a cake to make and presents to buy. I cannot wait to celebrate you my little bird because no matter the age you deserve to be celebrated.

You are the most beautiful and sweet baby and I cannot wait to see what a beautiful toddler you become -- inside and out. I will have to work on that temper though 😉

I love you,

Your Momma

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Harrison Thames: 2 and a Half

**sorry this post was stuck in la-la land...but I wrote this in Feb**
Dear Harrison,


Where to begin with all the changes in your life the past 6 months…


The biggest adventure has been being an amazing big brother – you are my greatest helper.  You know when he needs a bottle, know when he needs rocking in his car seat as we are getting ready to go out the door, you know when he wants more snack and you give him a bite, you mostly take toys away from him but you always give him something instead to play with.  And the way you make him laugh is a memory that I never want to forget.


You went to daycare just a few more months after turning 2.  Miss Hannah came back to us to care for you and Atticus.  She is a Godsend.  You are so happy with her.  You have your weekly routines or library story time, a class called Wind Things where you learn about nature and animals, and a class about ABCs and a class called Busy Bees where you dance, sing, basically let out energy.  You are potty training and progressing pretty well.  I am thrilled you are home and have no worries over the fact you are getting the life skills you need.  You learn more and more every day!


Your vocabulary continues to grow.  You say full sentences.  You remember everything and repeat.  Luckily you are not repeating everything you hear.  You sing lyrics to songs and we dance dance dance around here.


You love adults and pretty much 2 kids – Atticus and Averie.  You love going to Grand’s house or going anywhere with her.  You like to “call” Papa Coach and have “conversations” with him.  When Aunt Cole comes over you monopolize her time and want to play.  You ask for Brooke, Philip and Averie to come over.  You love when Ruby comes over (probably because she is always making sweets) and you cry when she leaves.  I love that you love the people I love. 

You still love a banana every morning and your daily request for a cartoon changes but if all else your faithful standby Sherif Callie is there.  We sit and watch (I work) and we wait on Atticus to wake or Hannah to arrive.  It is a nice calm of the day and I love it most when you want just a few more cuddles and want to sit in my lap. 


The last months consisted of visits from Lyndsey (twice!!) and Lorraine and Richard.  You stole their hearts my sweet boy.  It is pretty impossible for someone not to love you.  You are sweet, kind, joyful, crazy, loud, little ball of energy. 


We also took a road trip as a family of four.  We drove 6 hours to NC to see your Dad’s parents and family for Christmas.  It was a nice little getaway and you and your brother were the center of attention.  One day just you and I took a quick trip to the town after everyone had left and the Christmas part was over.  You learned about crosswalks (hand and man) and you still look and point them out when we are in traffic.  I love it.


You love your choo choo trains, cars, animals and kitchen.  You are not much into coloring or painting.  You do like playdoh and bubbles.  You like playing Tennessee football in which you have to wear your Tennessee hat while playing and who is playing with you has to wear one too.  And did I mention you like to dance?  We play the same 4 songs every afternoon at your request and dance.  Atticus accompanies us with his playing of musical instruments.  You still love books and we read every day and night.  


I wish I could tell you every detail of the past 6 months my little one but just know above all you were cared for and loved.


I love you,


Atticus Knox: 10 Months

Dear Atticus,

Boy how you have changed in one month!!

You finally have teeth. Two have popped on through this month.

You had your first encounter with a goat. You wanted on the ground with them so badly.

You sat at a high chair in a restaurant and loved it!! You also tried spaghetti - yum.

You love to play and you are Mr Go Go Go. You pull up on everything - in the bath, on Daisy, in shopping carts.

Best of all is you are the sweetest most calm loving baby. You light up my world with that beautiful smile.

Happy 10 Months my baby boy. I cherish you.

I love you,